My Startup begins

At twenties, everyone has pressure of sharpening their career life.I just stepped into that phase and I have been wondering I must begin in order to achieve something.I am from Nepal and studying Bachelor in Computer Science in Information Technology(BSc CSIT).At this date, I’m at the edge of 2nd year(Awaiting for 4th sem board).

I was a kind of person that usually made plans for learning or exploring things but never actually did.I just had too much of that because gradually it was killing my confidence.Since I was on my Dashain-Tihar vacation and was totally free, I thought of taking A Step Forward.

As it says,”Go For it.Whether it ends good or bad,it was an experience.”You can say,”Today was the same exact day as yesterday.” But something has to be different.The things that connect us to tomorrow means the most.It doesn’t matter how slowly life changes.No amount of regret can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.All we can do is look at the path before us and continue our slow walk down it.

There is an age-old saying,”We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are”.Life is all about exploring, chasing passion, and pursuing things that give you the eternal happiness. People who set themselves free from unnecessary attachments and continue doing things their way can make the most of this opportunity called LIFE!

I believe that the first step to success is believing on own and taking chances.Just keep moving forward and never stop to make yourself better than yesterday.Don’t worry about what others are achieving.Don’t compare yourself with someone else .It’s never too late to start.So lets take A Step Forward ย and you will find out that your journey itself is a wonderful destination. ๐Ÿ™‚




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A Step Forward

I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday.

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