Bootcamp1 for Techcamp at MIC

With the support of US Embassy Nepal, Ellaine Memorial Foundation (EMFound in short) in partnership with Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal ( conducted Bootcamp1  to organize TechCamp(will be held on March,2017) to design, create and develop innovative solutions thru youth empowerment.

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MIC Nepal recently  completed BOOTCAMP1(24th-28th October,2016) for the techgirls who want to sharpen their technical skills in development. This BootCamp was full-day of learning and project and five days long.

Day 1

After attending last class at Stosh institute, I went directly to MIC, Kichapokari. I arrived early and was alone. After some while other attendees came.Since I love making new friends,it wasn’t hard for me to start conservation.Every one was easily approachable and affable. Our Instructor ,Bibek dai was also very friendly and congenial.At the end of the day,I was happy that I made a new circle  🙂 .


Day 2-4

On second day,we did some projects on Visual Studio 2015.Though initially I had some problems while getting developer license.We developed some apps for windows using C# and learned basics.As for me,Animation project was fun and interesting.



Day 5

Working as a team to amplify Imagination and Creativity

Until this day, all we learned was technical part.But on this day, we learned entrepreneurship and worked together as a team. All attendees were divided into four teams and we were assigned to think of a problem and its solution.Working on teams was rewarding.We got the opportunity to learn from each other.Synergistic combinations of ideas and abilities resulted in better solution.Next task we were assigned was based on creativity.We had to present a pitch with a single word given to us.Our word was ‘Make-up’ and we came up with totally crazy but effectual idea.This task was totally amusing and startling.

Words from Ineke Stoneham(Embassy of UN) and Allen Bailochan Tuladhar(MIC director)

Words are incredibly powerful.After hearing from them, I was  truly enlightened.I learned that,”Even if you don’t see your future,keep following your passions and believe in yourself.”I pursued that, “It doesn’t matter in which speed you move, just never stop moving.”

I’m so thankful that I was able to attend this Bootcamp. I would like to portray my sincere gratitude towards the #USEmbassy and #MICNepal for giving girls the opportunity to learn and making us realize that we should never stop learning. Indeed this Bootcamp has turned out to be really inspiring and knowledgeable.



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